Monday, 2 May 2016


All businesses live on repeat business , 'Thank you for coming, see you NEXT time'. It really is no good if you only go to a restaurant once and never go back. Your law firm works on repeat business as well where, hopefully, clients regularly and predictably send business your way but since you have a crucial role to play in this paradise, let's examine the situation.
A long time ago it was possible to secure a key piece of business by calling on and satisfying a key decision maker but we live in democratic times with complex MNCs and every major piece of business requires multiple decisions and levels of approval and those decisions are made by different people in different time zones. This is the complex sale.
And since businesses are always evolving in response to the changing business environment and adjusting their priorities, the key players and decision makers change as well. So, how do you secure repeat business for your law firm if you have to start from ground level zero with every conversation and you have to check that previous parameters of engagement are still operational?
Your law firm needs a repeat business plan to address this reality so that you know what is going on within the company, how to position your efforts and who to address. Address this challenge clearly because it is a full team engagement.

Talking the other day with a CFO on general issues she remarked 'Our best relationships with our bankers, lawyers and consultants have one feature; strong individual relations at all levels. When we have a major transaction, I'll talk with my entire team about whom we are going to use as advisors. If we are moving towards a particular firm it is critical that I see every head in the room nod right from the junior staff to the treasurer. The really good firms build strong relationships throughout our organization'.

So here is how it plays out; if your law firm has been able to build meaningful relationships at all levels, when the questions arise you will have internal advocates and your name will keep coming up as the obvious solution for the business and if not? Well...

The Netflix series 'House of Cards' offers an example of how this works out. Recently appointed Micheal Kern has been involved in a scandal and has been kicked out as head of the Foreign Affairs ministry. His replacement is yet to be announced and Francis Underwood uses his secret reporter Zoe Barnes to spread it around all media outlets and rating agencies that they and the general public want Catherine Durant as the next Foreign Secretary.
Back in the White House where the conversation is still evolving and the opinion of the media outlets and rating agencies is being monitored, Linda Vasquez, Chief of Staff is bouncing the idea of Catherine Durant as the next Foreign Secretary off Francis Underwood and then she says something 'everyone seems to think that Catherine Durant should be the next Foreign Secretary, what do you think?. And so Catherine becomes the next Foreign Secretary.

Your law firm wants to be in the position of Catherine Durant where you have the popular vote, the electoral college vote and everyone seems to think you are the it-firm. You can do the work, the client organization is aware of you and sees the benefit in working with you at all levels and you actually have advocates for you in the organization.

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