Saturday, 24 October 2015


Matthew Mcconaughey is an Oscar-winning actor in Holly wood and is the subject of a media phenomenon called the McCONAISSANCE. The idea is that he was a certain kind of actor doing romantic roles, not too serious and gradually going on to have a humdrum career when he stopped this direction, did no type of his previous roles resulting in an acting drought of three full years (he kept rejecting scripts) and transformed himself into a bona fide heavy weight actor. Hence the Oscar.
From a mild fellow to an Oscar winner.

For lawyers the analogy is between being a generalist and being a specialist. The major challenge you will have is letting the generalist work go while you are holding out for or chasing specialist work. Pre-Oscar Matthew was a generalist and when he sat up to join the men, he became a specialist. Flowing from this, there are lawyers you reach out to when there's a problem with the environment , others when you need a tax loophole e.t.c.
You have to specialize in something (s) as a law firm by investing in that area and presenting yourself to your clients, your competitors and the government as the firm to go to for that. Without this investment the world will know that you are not serious about it. Or put another way, what is your law firm selling and if you are like every other law firm, how can you command million dollar fees?

About said investment, John D. Rockefeller Sr. invested in acres of land near Lima, Indiana containing millions of barrels of crude oil that was, at the time he made the purchase, unsalable because it had a horrible smell (it was called skunk oil) and remained so for years after. He then had the chemist, Herman Frasch work on the oil to make it marketable.
Mr Rockefeller also offered to use his personal funds to make the purchase of the vast Lima oilfields because his business partners on the Standard oil board of directors refused to support him.

Making the decision to specialise is a major one and while the marketplace looks full of competition, being a generalist is a worse fate.

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