Monday, 4 May 2015


The concept of lipservice happens to the best so do not let it get you down or slow down your efforts at building the great law firm that you currently run. Just don't.

Here's what we mean. You set yourself a truly high goal such as having associates run lead on important transactions Once a month or on one out of Five deals.
You are innovative and encourage the associate cadre but after a few mishaps by associates or some uncomfortable conversations with a major client you dump the plan and resort to having run of the mill associates instead of the Supernovas you set out to create.
You just paid lipservice.

You now pick yourselves up and have another crack at it with the necessary modifications. This part is very important so if the first attempt was a bit watery make it thicker.
Delve into material and information that can support such an ambitious associate development plan and this is not just to convince the parties that need convincing. It is to build a well of conviction in your own bowels to push the program with the necessary drive and energy to make it successful.
And remember almost any plan and program can be implemented successfully if the right levels of energy, drive and motivation are in place, how else was Rommell driven out of Africa during the war by Monty?

A challenge you need to be aware of with lipserve is that you may be tempted to get the leadership capital, positive reviews or feelings from your audience by just making announcements or proclamations but the problem is that if you do not absolutely and certainly deliver you just made a Political Statement and the next time your people have the choice between believing your lofty announcements and covering their behinds in case of failures...

Don't just repeat the same actions and hope. Or even worse, pass the buck to the subordinate who hasn't the responsibility for setting or running the plan as she needs it to be to succeed.

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