Monday, 11 May 2015


The Greeks of hallowed antiquity from who we have received western civilization had a way of solving a problem.
We can call it the Greek solution and the way it works is this: how can we deal with this problem so that it will never arise again? A decisive and permanent solution.
Today we can refer to this approach as going to the root of the problem, as dealing with the source of all the drama and if we can remove the source, all the drama will die out.
Have you heard the tale about the kid who had a lot of energy and the only time he was still was when he was asleep. He was a terror to the world at such a young age so out of desperation his parents took him to the doctors and they cut out sugar from his diet and he became calmer. It was like magic.
The source of the drama was the poor diet he had been on, full of excess sugar and once that was out of the meal, all was well.

The connection between the Greek solution and legal is that the amount and quality of legal work a law firm can get or generate in its country of operation is heavily influenced by the country's rule of law dynamic.

A country with a strong belief and account of the law with policy makers and administrators who are very active as well as a rich tradition and practice of the law being enforced will generate more business for the law firm. This means that if people on the streets know that the law will get you whoever you are and wherever you hide, they will place their trust in the law. This naturally translates to higher visits to the High priests (lawyers).
Thus a strong rule of law dynamic like this promotes an environment where the lawyer has a large role to play, an environment to participate in and contribute to.
The environment in which your law firm practices, the attitudes of the people, the culture of enforcement affects how much they think upon the services of the law firm for non-vital issues which if the rule of law dynamic were really poor or nonexistent they would handle on their own.

Instances abound where such a dynamic can be enforced on the groundlevel: from civilian-armed forces interactions to employer-employee relations to government official or political appointee-business entity e.t.c.

The best thing to generate business for the legal services industry is to create an environment where there are laws, the laws are known by all and the laws are enforced with the indifference of rain.

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