Sunday, 14 June 2015


The detailed answer especially as it appears for particular industries to a question like this are infinite. Just visit the online presence of any full-service law firm to look at their offerings and you have an idea of the infinite and virtually endless mix. Then go to a Global 100 law firm and see the ingenuity to which the full-services concept has been really put to.

The services a lawyer offers are:
LITIGATION; which means anything that has to do with you having an argument with another party, how to resolve it and going to court about it.

SOLICITORSHIP; which is basically paperwork and has everything to do with creating and looking at issues such as creating or drafting business documents, preparing wills, transfer of property rights, their meaning and effects.

ADVISORY: which is brainpower and the combined effects of legal knowledge, productive experience, terrible mistakes and the specific application to a particular situation.

EXECUTION: this is the actual doing of the task and not the legal terms which means specific things must be done to make an agreement valid and binding on parties to the agreement. This sort of execution makes certain that all your legal plans are put into play in a way that makes sure you win.

GOVERNMENT: while we are at it let us remember the ever present a d ever increasing presence of government and what the lawyer has to offer. He looks at engagements the government is likely to or has gotten into (The Bakkassi Peninsula agreements) and uses his understanding to make sense of it all and get the plumbing working so the water can flow through plus he makes sure it stays working.

POLITICS/STATESMANSHIP: for a lot of reasons law has always been a foundation for politicians and statesmen.

These are the fundamental pillars upon which the myriad of legal services offered to the general public are based. The specific application of these fundamental pillars have led to things such as specialization by industry, which is how the industry itself is organized e.g. Hospitality practices, or the law firm divided the territory geographically and only works from a particular zone the same way a bank has local territories for better use of resources.

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