Thursday, 11 June 2015


Once you hear the word, especially as a legal practitioner you may instinctively yell 'never!. Marketing is against the ethics of the profession, it does not apply in law land and lawyers can never be greasy snake-oil salesmen. All of your objections are right but if you've observed the levels the hustle has reduced the effectiveness, reputation and dignity of legal practice to, you must pay attention and note that something has to be done.
Now that something, is that the business of getting clients and shaping your law practice that is marketing. It must be given the respect and effort it deserves. Respect because no firm ever does well in a discipline it barely tolerates and without the work and sweat them good plans ain't going nowhere.
Marketing is about getting clients by appreciating what type of clients and why those clients, appreciating the direction the firm is going in with that client base and finally how the law firm can ever remain useful to the market. Lawyers are a knowledgeable lot said to read tomes so here's a marketing spin on it. What determines the types of books in your library and their quantity and on which topics. You have some notion concerning the items in your library however chaotic it appears to outsiders so it makes sense to you and is useful to your work. Marketing is that thing which you use to pick your books (clients) by and not the physical act of going to the store and paying for the books.
There is also the idea of perception is reality so with the right marketing spin you can pass your law firm off as whatever. The way it works is this; if you have a reputation for telling lies you ask yourself 'what has this law firm done to deserve this?' and if you want to have a reputation for telling the truth don't go on T.V.  or wherever else. Tell the truth to your employees, competitors and clients. Reputation problem solved.
And that will be three million naira please. You know the address.

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