It is what will make those you hand out your cards to and meet or who know about your firm actually call you. For example if assets need to be recovered from a foreign jurisdiction, they specifically know that you are the law firm to go to and not just a law firm.
Extending the idea of the Calling Card to a logical conclusion and in a move at out-managing the competition, you can even divvy up your practice by underlying problem instead of practice area so that related problems tend to get processed together, said problems are tangible to grasp and solve and you avoid the omnibus 'practice areas' which are vague and imprecise universes that whole economies of value and cash get lost in.
Tie your law firm's services to the problem you can solve, the assistance that you can offer in a specific transaction. This means that you study, you note and you review. For example, to build a terrace house how many problems come up, you list them out one by one and then place your law firm services in the event of their happening side by side. From this you understand the matter on a basic level, you can explain the matter in overwhelming persuasiveness to the clients and you can use the insights and confidence gotten from the detailed breakdown process to persuade clients to hire your law firm. This is the Breakdown method of business development and it is very important to do it in excruciating detail, especially if you've been at it for years, the matter is boring and mundane or you know it so well. This is not finger wagging or hortation, it comes from painful experience.
To further encourage thee to engage in the level of detail that this process requires: it is a fact that the level of thought and study that you give to any matter before you, will determine the amount of intelligence and superior performance you will bring to it as a lawyer. Kobe Bryant shoots 800 times in the morning 5 days a week and you wonder why he wins and plays so much. 800 times.
And one for the road. One of the first things artists learn to do is to stare at a dead fish for 8 hours straight and almost without fail they get impatient and frustrated after the first thirty minutes 'there is nothing else to see' but when their boredom and irritation subsides they then go on to produce drawings from the same fish that are mind-blowing in detail, in beauty and which were impossible to create before and which go on to win prizes.
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