Thursday, 16 July 2015

You Are Going Global

As a local law firm that is intent on participating in the global market place you have the home court advantage in the sense that global clients prefer local expertise rather than legal and other affairs being handled remotely by foreign counsel.
And before you get into a bother about your capacity levels remember that the USA was unable to execute its Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in the '60s simply because Fidel Castro knew the area of invasion intimately, in fact he went there regularly to fish and the Americans did not know the area.
So, the move for your law firm is to have an active presence on the internet.
You begin by writing your articles, blogging, making sure that those who are searching or looking into the country will come across your material. This is a first step to becoming a player in the global game.
As an observation, we have noticed that a popular approach taken by local business law firms is the 'Doing Business In Nigeria' PDF file and its placement up on the web. We strongly suggest that you come up with your own firm's position paper on the subject so you are accessible to your potential and actual clients and you handle the enquiries from there.
And remember, as long as you are competent you needn't bother about the competition. Yet.

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