Monday, 30 March 2015


As you go about your practice there are some law firms that are above your current reality and are your role models or there are others who are dominating industries you hope one day to actively dominate as well. So the advice comes in that if you emulate them then you will be where they are at and have what they have or something along those lines.

But how do you know if what they are doing is any good, or if that is the direction you should be going in. Like the production of brochures and gifts for the holidays that are then handed out to friends, competitors and clients? Why are they done, what do they achieve and most importantly should you be doing it?

These are general questions you should ask yourself every time you observe a practice those you see ahead of you in your law practice or who have certain industries locked down are involved with.
They have a lot to teach and offer by their example and you'd do very well to listen listen pay close attention but after that if you are going to be successful competing in the arena of ideas, of marketing your law firm's services you will at some point have to be original.

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