Monday, 30 March 2015


Strategy is derived from the Greek word Strategos which means to position, to arrange your forces on the battle field.
At your firm your strategy is really the answer to the question, how do we plan to win? How do we plan to distribute or resources so that we win?
So instead of thinking of strategy as a highly intellectual, destination activity look at it a stating where do we want to be with this client and with this industry in 2 months or 3 years time.

The following will help:

1. What is the centre of your strategy, what is the Big Aha! around which you will be operating your firm? Aggressive public advocacy, human rights violations or heavy financial restructuring in energy services?

2. What resources are available or can you access so you can put your plans into play?

3. What are you going to do to slaughter the competition? Or at the very least kick them out of your specific market? Do you know what they've been up to and what is your response, however robust?

4. Execution is the missing link between your lofty, aggressive plans and the realization of those plans. It is a separate discipline of getting things done and it will always be the difference between the solid firms and the perpetual dreamers.
Also, since a lot of the tools are the same for legal entities your firm's level of getting it done is the identifiable edge.
In the words of the late Steven Paul Jobs 'Real Artists Ship'. They get the job done, they deliver the service, they execute the plan.

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