1 Setting a purpose for your article: Let's say the article is the only marketing tool you are using then it must accomplish your business generating aims on its own. The question is why are you writing this article? What do you hope for it to do for you?
2 Deciding the actual subject you'll write about: What do you know? The clients you are targeting have what problems on their plate? You are targeting a specific problem for a specific market. Let's say its Brand Managers of FMCGs, what bothers them at work, what is coming their way in the near future and what do you know or have access to that can assist them? That, my friend, is the subject of your article.
3. What publications are you aiming them to be in: What kind of stuff do the said Brand Managers read or what publications advertise to them. Check out the editorial and ads of magazines to help answer these questions and read them to get a feel of what they are about and how they work.
4. Write: Writing is a major art form and you should write your article carefully with lots of planning and thought. Think of what the magazines will find acceptable and the reader will find useful when presenting your ideas. Remember you are doing it for them and not your self aggrandisement. Your writing is about presenting your ideas so this naturally be the centre if this article and the tweaking comes afterward.
5. Use the reprint: Talk this over with the publication for a proper format.
You are a legal services professional and you already have a lot to say about a lot of things in the profession itself and about other industries. Go do it.
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