Tuesday, 7 April 2015


It is clear that the best way to get things done is with the full support and active participation of the people at your firm. Two heads are better than one, you can not do everything yourself etc.
However, the members of your team are individuals with different ideas of where your firm is headed and more to the point how to get there.

What to do? Rally the troops and issue the command: this is where we are headed and how we are going to get there so you better fall in line. This comes easier and naturally because of the pressure from work and the authority in your possession as manager or leader.

Another tack is the sneaky underhanded method in which you give off the impression of being open to change your direction and approach if presented with a viable approach and when the beginnings of one come up you shut it down.
This is understandable because it scares you or you don't fully get it or you disagree with it but in the final analysis you are asking your team to do the same, to work with an idea or direction because you said so.

A third approach is where you allow ideas to flow and give support to the proponents of the idea as well as making them its champions.
This means that everybody has the view that if you bring an idea you will make it happen and when we call you in a week or a month you better have something tangible to offer.

A fourth approach is an alignment of interests, that is, what is in it for me. As far as a nigger slave on the plantation is concerned, he does whatsoever the master says and when his 8 year life expectancy is expired he is thrown off the plantation and replaced with a younger nigger slave. Hardly any alignment of interests here.

However a law firm depends on the intelligence, imagination and drive of its people so the problem of merging the interests of the law firm and the employees does matter.
When last did any of your people show any initiative or imagination, or bring any ideas to you?
About the what's in it for me part, it may sound less noble and a bit crass but eventually each person will search his own soul and if there is no meaningful answer you have a deadweight or upset member on the team. What a drag!

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